Tuesday, January 8, 2013

simple things

I'm trying hard to make 2013 a simpler year - meaning we get rid of the excess and focus on what we need.

No frills, no stress, no problems. (If only it were that easy...)

Dan announced a few weeks ago he wanted to clean out our closets (a chore that's been needed and avoided.. mostly be me). The plan was to tackle this during Christmas break but the stomach flu won and we just sat down to it this past weekend - while Dan starting cleaning out a closet, I found and read all the cards I received at my bridal shower. Typical). Well, an hour in and we BOTH got bored and overwhelmed so I decided we should do a closet a weekend. Space it out. No stress.

We did get rid of a bunch of things in this first closet...though neither of us can part with the super nintendo (then again, that is probably just me...you never know when the urge to play Super Mario Bros. will hit).

I am also trying to enjoy what I have and do things that make me happy and surround myself with positive things.

Half marathon training starts March 18th and once that starts my life will revolve around this race 6 days a week (plus 1 rest day where the words "half", "marathon", and "running" will be dirty words.... and which I will use to sleep. All day. Oh and socialize I guess). So until then, it is going to be a couple months of bettering myself (physically and mentally) and concentrating on me, my marriage (6 month mark on Monday!), our Max, and my friends and family.

Oh, and the closets....

Things that make me happy lately:

Simple, easy, yummy breakfasts that don't make my mornings stressful (and a super great mug from a super great friend)

The fact that this dog thinks he is a human and hogs the blankets and pillows each morning:

and fun, simple decorations that bring a little color to other-wise drab white apartment walls:

 (blog post on how to make these banners coming soon - a new craft obsession I recently acquired)


It's Tuesday - which means four days until the weekend and waiting for my mom to get out of her out-patient procedure. It is not too serious but still, she is my mom. So keep her in your thoughts.

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