February is one of my favorite months.
Although the weather isn't much different, it feels so different from January to me. January is bleak and dreary with the post-holiday clean-up. January feels dim and slow. February feels new and exciting.
I mean, it's the month of love.
So many people complain about Valentine's Day... it's commercialized, it's a Hallmark holiday, it is not enjoyable if you don't have a significant other.
I disagree.
Yes, Valentine's day is nice if you have that special someone to hold hands with and give heart shaped boxes of chocolate to. But you can also think of it as a way to reflect on your love for other people in your life. Your family, your friends, yourself.
Even in my single days, I never experienced a bad Valentine's day. Someone always reminded me that they loved me. I plan on doing that myself this month.
I'm all about the self-love these days. After years of hating my body and hating the person I had become, I found the strength to turn it around and change myself. I found what bothered me and I changed it. I morphed my physical self into something I can be proud of. I let my work life get out of control for a while and helped myself find a position that makes me comfortable and happy. I no longer surround myself with people who bring negativity into my life but rather ones who accept me for who I am and don't pressure me to be different.
This month, if you're single - don't mope with a pint of Ben & Jerry's and instead enjoy that pint. Share it with a friend. Take yourself out to and treat yourself to something special. Do something good for yourself and remind yourself why you are so special.
February might only have 28 days but they can be 28 awesome days. And just think, we're one month closer to warm weather and sunshine.
As for us, we'll be having dinner with some other couple friends, running in a 5K together (though I'm looking forward to this more than Dan), and a special night alone on Valentine's Day with just the two of us. This past week flew by and I'm excited for the weekend to regroup. I'm running in another 5K this Sunday (I'm addicted!) and plan on spending the rest of the weekend in sweats, catching up on tv shows and reading. Of course, the super bowl is Sunday night but aside from checking to see if I'm winning money in the pool my family has, I won't be paying too close attention.
February, you're looking pretty good already.
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