Sunday, April 28, 2013


So 20 days without a blog post is normal, right? Yeesh, I just have been so bad at this. BUT my reasonings are legit. I mean, how can you blog with a computer that only works 45% of the time? YOU CAN'T. You can try but trust me, you will just get frustrated.

But life has been happening and here are some photos to prove it.

First of all we can just get a collective "AW" about this little gentleman? He is the quite frankly the only baby that has given my uterus all the sparkles to want a baby.

Dan and I also participated in the Sandy Sprint 5K for ovarian cancer this weekend in honor of our friend Matt's late mother. I ran it of course and this year they had a color run option.

See? Color!


Today Dan and I did some spring cleaning. Which was must needed, I must say. I cannot believe how much dust accumulated on my ceiling fan and my GOSH, comet smells disgusting. As much as I hate cleaning, a clean and bright apartment makes me happy.

Friends, expect some posts on the reg.

Really, I promise.

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