Tuesday, January 29, 2013

cars, sofas, & beer, oh my!

We had a busy weekend here at the Cowhey residence! We took the snow on Friday night as a good excuse to sit in our sweatpants, eat too much pizza, and watch TV. Saturday my dad came up for the day and we went to the Philly Auto Show together! It was a lot of fun. My dad and I haven't spent time alone in a long time so it was nice to just spend the afternoon together.

It's my dad's dream to own a corvette again. 
The day I win the lottery, we'll both have brand spankin new corvettes in our driveways.

We also got lunch and had a beer at The Field House under the convention center. (Yes, I drank a beer! The fruitiest girliest beer they had. I'll only drink beer for you, Ron).

And while my dad and I were fantasizing about cars and sitting in cars we can't afford ($127,000 for a car? crazy) Dan was actually purchasing a new one!! 

It's a 2012 Nissan Rogue and we are both very happy with it. It was a much needed purchase in our life considering the truck was on its last leg. 

I also purchased a couch this weekend at Ikea! We have a nice futon in the tv room that doubles as a couch and then we had an old loveseat that Dan's parents were getting rid of but I have wanted a real honest sofa for a couple years. And I finally did it.

I especially like the chaise lounge and haven't moved from it since Dan put it together. 

Other than that, life has consisted of working, sleeping, working out, running, scrapbooking a little (I am making a book for somebody! My first one and I am pretty excited about it), and trying not to let the snow get me down.


I'm trying to get into the mind-set of half marathon training.  Right now I am working out pretty hard but know that once the actual training begins I'll have to give up a few things and just focus on the plan I have set aside.

And I'm perfectly willing to. As the month of January comes to a close this week, I can see how fast June is going to get here.

I think I'm signing up for another 5K this Sunday and then Dan promised to run one with me for Valentine's Day next weekend! 

It's Tuesday. Not a cool day. Too close to Monday, too far from Friday. 

But let's make it a good day.   :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear Cold Weather:

You can go away now. Seriously.

This light layer of snow? No thanks.

Give me hot hundred degree weather and poolside weekends.

I'm tired of shivering.


How many days until spring?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Abominable Slowman 5K

I ran my first official 5K since October. I took a break, mostly because the last couple months running sounded torturous and I didn't want to run in the cold but ever since I started running again I knew I was going to have to bite the bullet and start signing up for some 5Ks again if I wanted to eventually start running 10Ks and then my half marathon (less than 6 months away!).

It took place at a park in this cute area near us called Chesterbrook. I didn't think it would be that big of a race but there was about 300 runners overall.

RIP blue headband. At some point during the race, I lost it.

It was cold. REALLY COLD. And windy. My legs felt frozen the second we got out of the apartment and into the car. Luckily the sun was out.

 they had a dinosaur!

I was nervous because it was cold, my legs felt heavy, and I could see a lot of serious runners. I never place in 5Ks (I'm too slow compared to these super fast runners) but I tend to do okay for myself.

Dan came to watch (like he always does! he took all these pictures, by the way) but even he was cold.

 It's hard to see but that's me under the arrow!

Blurry but he got me again!

This was a rough race. The cold and wind slowed me down and my legs tingled and felt like lead the whole time. I am not super thrilled with my time (finished under 33 minutes) but I know just finishing is an accomplishment.  

nobody looks good in a race photo

The best part about running in 5Ks is the free stuff. You usually get water and bananas and at this race they had soft pretzels, tomato pie, kind bars, and cool long sleeve tech t-shirts. We stuck around for the awards, though I didn't place (maybe one day).

And then because I was still so cold, we went to Michael's, the diner near us, and I devoured french toast and coffee. 

First official 5K in the books for 2013! I am going to try and do a few more up until my half training begins in March! You should do one with me - running a race is much more fun with a friend.

And now I rest some more, eat some more, and wait for the fabulous Marissa to come. Tonight we are venturing out in the cold for some girl time and drinks with Laura. Happy Saturday!

Friday, January 18, 2013

weekend anticipation


Oh, weekends.

Fridays are really my favorite day. Yes, Saturday and Sunday are great too but Friday? Friday has that anticipation - which in my opinion, is better than the actual days off (sometimes). You sit at work, just knowing in a few hours, you're free for 48+ hours. From 5PM Friday to Monday at 9AM, time is mine. I go into work every Friday in a good mood and patiently (and not so patiently) await my weekend. Once the clock hits 5PM, I clock out, grab my things, and fly to my car. I blast my music and look forward to the endless possibilities the weekend can hold and look forward to any plans we may have.

On tap for this weekend? Friend time, a timed 5K (my first one since October and I will post a recap), much-needed friend time, and late 6 month-iversary dinner, plus enjoying my day off Monday (the goal is to sleep in on Monday.... an event so rare in my life these days).


I know a lot of news is going around about Lance Armstrong and while I do not agree with using performance enhancing drugs, let's not let this overshadow something important.

He helped found LIVESTRONG.

The LIVESTRONG Challenge is an amazing organization and they are continuing with their efforts to help those affected by cancer. Although Armstrong's confession is one that affects many, it should not change your opinion on this organization and the amazing things they have done.

I am a huge fan of LIVESTRONG. They raise money for those affected by cancer and I am proud to say I am a participant in their Philly challenge.  I walked it a couple years ago, ran in its 5K last August, and signed up for the 10K this August. I participate as part of Team Big Green - a best friend's family team in honor of their late father.

So yes, while Armstrong made some mistakes, let's not let this overshadow an important and much-needed cause that has helped so many.

If you would like to sign up for the Philly challenge, donate money (my fundraising page is here), or just would like to find ways to support the cause, please do.


Happy weekend!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Six Months

Six months ago I married my best friend.

Hard to believe it has been six months already! The last six months have been exciting, fun, challenging, and eye-opening. Marriage is all I thought it would be and more. :)

just some of my favorites from our wedding day

(look at this handsome boy ^ )
(how cute are these two? ^)


our photographer was Nicole Shilliday over at Shilliday Photography.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

simple things

I'm trying hard to make 2013 a simpler year - meaning we get rid of the excess and focus on what we need.

No frills, no stress, no problems. (If only it were that easy...)

Dan announced a few weeks ago he wanted to clean out our closets (a chore that's been needed and avoided.. mostly be me). The plan was to tackle this during Christmas break but the stomach flu won and we just sat down to it this past weekend - while Dan starting cleaning out a closet, I found and read all the cards I received at my bridal shower. Typical). Well, an hour in and we BOTH got bored and overwhelmed so I decided we should do a closet a weekend. Space it out. No stress.

We did get rid of a bunch of things in this first closet...though neither of us can part with the super nintendo (then again, that is probably just me...you never know when the urge to play Super Mario Bros. will hit).

I am also trying to enjoy what I have and do things that make me happy and surround myself with positive things.

Half marathon training starts March 18th and once that starts my life will revolve around this race 6 days a week (plus 1 rest day where the words "half", "marathon", and "running" will be dirty words.... and which I will use to sleep. All day. Oh and socialize I guess). So until then, it is going to be a couple months of bettering myself (physically and mentally) and concentrating on me, my marriage (6 month mark on Monday!), our Max, and my friends and family.

Oh, and the closets....

Things that make me happy lately:

Simple, easy, yummy breakfasts that don't make my mornings stressful (and a super great mug from a super great friend)

The fact that this dog thinks he is a human and hogs the blankets and pillows each morning:

and fun, simple decorations that bring a little color to other-wise drab white apartment walls:

 (blog post on how to make these banners coming soon - a new craft obsession I recently acquired)


It's Tuesday - which means four days until the weekend and waiting for my mom to get out of her out-patient procedure. It is not too serious but still, she is my mom. So keep her in your thoughts.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

taco salad

So sometimes I like to watch infomercials and I think to myself "wow, this looks so cool. I should buy this" and 98% of the time I never do. (Like, hello... the magic bullet looks so cool! And that tiny knife sharpener thing...). But I have seen that perfect tortilla bowl infomercial 80,000 times. I have also had a bad craving for tacos/taco salad - basically anything with beef and cheese would make me happy. So I made Dan go to Bed Bath & Beyond with me and we FOUND THE PERFECT TORTILLA PAN!

 I went to Wegman's also and purchased the following:
  • lettuce
  • shredded cheese
  • pico de gallo
  • ground beef
  • soft taco shells
  • sour cream
Dan also got stuff for queso dip (velveeta cheese, tostitos & salsa.. though we argued about what kind of salsa. He wanted hot and I wanted mild. We settled in the middle and got medium... hey, part of being married is about compromising, right?).

Now, let me just confess. I do not have a lot of cooking experience (okay, that's not really a secret). I also do not have a lot of experience touching raw meat (besides chicken...) because basically, it creeps me out. But I did it.

I cooked up that beef and put my soft taco shell in my little tortilla pan and made myself a taco salad.

Max wanted some too... what a beggar.

I wish I had taken a picture of my tortilla shell IN the pan.. but alas, I forgot in my anxiety-ridden state of making sure my meat was not undercooked (another reason I avoid cooking meat..with my luck I'd get mad cow disease or something)

The salad was delicious and so was Dan's queso dip. And I think I've gotten over my fear of touching and cooking meat (maybe).

I always like when we stay in and cook on a Saturday night. And I am very grateful I have a mother I can call up and ask questions when I am clueless about cooking.


Aside from my first ground beef cooking experience, I did something sort of crazy (for me, anyway)!

I chopped off my hair!


I am very happy with it. I have had long hair most of my life (see the first picture!) & have always had a fear of getting it cut too short but I really like my hair stylist and told her I trusted her. And I think it looks pretty good! And since my life is soon to be overtaken by half marathon training and my hair has become a nuisance, I knew I needed to do something drastic. Now I feel so fresh and care-free...  which is always a good thing.

See, 2013 is already awesome.

Well, it is Saturday evening, which means I have a crazy night of plans ahead of me (sweatpants, my nook, chocolate greek yogurt, and cuddles with my puggle & husband). Enjoy your weekend. :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

a new year

It's officially 2013!

2011 was a fantastic year for me - the year of weight loss. I lost a good 60 pounds that year - the only resolution I've ever kept. I did it for my wedding, my dress, my (then future) husband, my family, my friends, & my future. So at midnight last year surrounded by friends I thought, "2012 will be amazing, just like 2011!"

I was a little wrong.

Yes, 2012 WAS amazing. Marrying my best friend definitely takes the cake. Seeing a best friend marry another best friend was pretty high on the list too. Becoming a runner and running in 6 5Ks from July to October made me feel like superwoman. I maintained my healthy weight for a whole year and proved to myself that I am healthy & that I can change my life.

But 2012 had its ups & downs. No need for details but let's just say I went through a lot this year and I have to say some of that stuff was really bad.

And through the bad, comes good.

2013 is here and I have some big plans.

1. Make this blog better. I have some plans to make it look better and hope that people read this & like hearing about my life. Post more "house-wifey" things. Post more pictures which means take more pictures. Capture all the moments of 2013.

2. RUN. Run, as much as I can. Run some more 5Ks, run a couple 10Ks, and then... the big one.
A half marathon. 13.1 miles. I'm a little scared. But I know if I keep pushing myself I can do it.

3. Be happy. No matter what. Smile often even when I am mad or sad. Do things that make me happy & spend time with people who matter. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Take time for myself & take care of myself.

This four-day weekend and New Years holiday has been great. I got to catch up with my best friend of 20 years and saw my parents.

We went to a party to celebrate the engagement of these two lovebirds....

Ate delicious, cheap hamburgers with friends. Had a blizzard. Read books.

Spent time with this guy.

And celebrated the New Year quietly with just the two of us.

I know it is very cliche but 2013 can be amazing if we let it.

So let's let it.