Friday, January 18, 2013

weekend anticipation


Oh, weekends.

Fridays are really my favorite day. Yes, Saturday and Sunday are great too but Friday? Friday has that anticipation - which in my opinion, is better than the actual days off (sometimes). You sit at work, just knowing in a few hours, you're free for 48+ hours. From 5PM Friday to Monday at 9AM, time is mine. I go into work every Friday in a good mood and patiently (and not so patiently) await my weekend. Once the clock hits 5PM, I clock out, grab my things, and fly to my car. I blast my music and look forward to the endless possibilities the weekend can hold and look forward to any plans we may have.

On tap for this weekend? Friend time, a timed 5K (my first one since October and I will post a recap), much-needed friend time, and late 6 month-iversary dinner, plus enjoying my day off Monday (the goal is to sleep in on Monday.... an event so rare in my life these days).


I know a lot of news is going around about Lance Armstrong and while I do not agree with using performance enhancing drugs, let's not let this overshadow something important.

He helped found LIVESTRONG.

The LIVESTRONG Challenge is an amazing organization and they are continuing with their efforts to help those affected by cancer. Although Armstrong's confession is one that affects many, it should not change your opinion on this organization and the amazing things they have done.

I am a huge fan of LIVESTRONG. They raise money for those affected by cancer and I am proud to say I am a participant in their Philly challenge.  I walked it a couple years ago, ran in its 5K last August, and signed up for the 10K this August. I participate as part of Team Big Green - a best friend's family team in honor of their late father.

So yes, while Armstrong made some mistakes, let's not let this overshadow an important and much-needed cause that has helped so many.

If you would like to sign up for the Philly challenge, donate money (my fundraising page is here), or just would like to find ways to support the cause, please do.


Happy weekend!

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